Lat night at Cairo American College 7 staff members from our school competed in a 5K time trial. It was actually my first time ever doing an official 5K so I was excited to get a base time to work. The race went well for me with a final time of 20'10". My splits were 1K-3'51", 2K-4'03", 3K-4'9", 4K-4'09", and 5K-3'57". All felt well althogh my legs were a little dead as I had done a 10K the day before and a hard 10K the day before that. I finished third overall in this run but atleast one of the guys that finished behind me is a faster runner that was saving his legs for a big run this weekend.
The most exciting part of the night was the others that also completed the race. The Mrs. 3 1/2 months after giving birth was under 28 minutes with The little Brawn and myself cheering her on at the finish. Our director who is a former runner but has done basically nothing in the last 10 years ran 26 minutes. My new training partner who is a good athlete but has only been running since September ran just under 21 minutes and the others also finished well taking in to account their goals and level of fitness.
We all went for supper as a group after and had a nice evening. I think making this in to a fun evening has hooked some others in to thinking this running thing is o.k. I like getting first timers to these events. Generally, they get caught up in the energy and that is all that it takes for them to start thinking about another event. The topic of conversation at supper was where the next 1/2 marathon is and what cool event was coming up. While we have some local runs in February and March, an event we will look at is the Dead Sea Marathon in Jordan in April. My first 'A' race of 2006 will be a 1/2 ironman in Eilat, Isreal in March. The Mrs. also has this in her sights and I have no doubt she will turn in a great performance knowing how determined (and a little stubborn) she is.