Wednesday, November 16, 2005


O.k., so now it's down to the brass tacks. My Olympic race in Eilat is in two weeks and although I will start to taper with the run and bike next week, I really need to get serious about the swimming! I'm not too concerned about the swimming for this event, I know I can pull off 1500m without much trouble, but I really need to work on this. With Ironman or 1/2 ironman coming up in March, I have decide to hire a swimming coach for the next few months. Hatem is actually the coach of the Egyptian National Long Distance Swim team, so he should be able to help me out. He is already talking that he wants my weekly swim mileage at 20 km! That is a far cry from the 6 km per week that I am doing right now. We may need to negotiate on the 20 km, but I recognize that I definately need to crank up the volume in the pool. For the last two months I have just been playing in the pool, 1500m here 2000 there, not real motivated today so quit after 1000m. As of today, that's it. I'm doing 3000m even if I have to lock myself in and put a guard at the door!

As for Eilat on December 2nd. I am really looking forward to it. My wife is going along and doing the sprint (3 1/2 months after giving birth!) and I am doing the Olympic. My bike and run fitness is great. My bike speed is good. My rn speed is a little down as I have been working mostly base and not much speed work, but the damn swimming!

My goal for this race
BIKE - 1H 20 MIN
RUN - 50 MIN

Overall with transitions, I would like to be under 2H 40MIN. Will be nip and tuck, but it is do-able. Although I have done some sprint races and 1/2 Ironmans, this is my first Olympic distance race, so I am excited to get a time.


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