Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Today our school year comes to a close and I must say it has ended on a rather dissapointing note. AISE is a proprietary school and because of this money is often at the forefront of decisions. Add to this that Egypt is a society where connections mean everything and you have a recipe for bad things to happen.

On May 24th our seniors finished school and decided to go on a rampage disrupting the other school activities going on and causing havoc in the school. This involved firecrackers in the school, oil on the floors, live chickens and rabbits (some of which eventually died!) and other shameful events. Some of the problems should have been seen coming as this group of seniors has been a less than reputable bunch.

The administration along with school ownership reacted quickly and in a way that many of the staff approved of and among other things prevented some students from participating in the graduation ceremony. Unfortunately, a handful of teachers felt this was too harsh and parents were up in arms. Eventually through pressure from parents, some teachers and many high ranking government officials (as the result of a well connected student body), this decision was reversed and all students participated in the graduation ceremony.

This has caused many hard feelings on staff and even between staff. Many people are dissillusioned with the school and the ownership. Today we have an assembly to recognize departing teachers followed by a lunch put on by the ownership which many, many teachers have decided to skip. One teacher has even resigned over the incident. It is very unfortunate and there is a real somber mood around the school today.

As for my action, I have let the administration know about my displeasure with the actions and some of the goings on in our school this year. I have let them know that I have not been very satisfied with many aspects of my postion and some of the decisions made and how I believe the school year could have been made better. This brings closure to the school year for me and now I need to put it behind me and move on to next year. I can't carry any of this baggage with me through the summer and in to next year. I need to believe that the administration will take what I have said seriosly and try and make improvements on some of the negative things that went on this year and move on. I need to be able to look forward to next year and believe that positive changes will be made and it will be a good year and a positive attitude from me will help ensure that, so I will attend the ceremony this afternoon and believe that better things for AISE are on the horizon.

cheers for now


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