Sunday, December 31, 2006


I have been in this part of the world for 3 1/2 years now. In that time I have done a fair share of travelling and visitied markets all over the Middle East, Thailand, and now India. I think because I am a teacher, one thing that jumps out at me is the child labor. Kids selling stuff in the markets, kids making stuff behind the scene to sell in the market, kids on the street begging for money. The kids selling in the market are good at it, they sometimes support their families on their trade. Two young girls sold us some blankets last night in the Saturday Night Market. They were from Kashmir area of India and spend 6 months a year in Goa and 6 months in other areas of India selling. They were 11 and 9 and both very sweet and good at what they do, but ultimately this is what they will always do. I asked them about school and of course, they don't go, never have.

I know I come from a different way of thinking and can not relate to where these girls come from or what they have to do to survive, but it's too bad they don't have a chance to be kids. They work, that's what they do and that's what they will always do. These girls seemed very smart, very articulate, and are good at reading people and good at selling. I think that given and opportunity these girls could sell anything to anyone and given a little education they could own the world. Unfortunately, Unfrortunately, they will spend the rest of their lives selling blankets in the markets of India and working to survive. I think about all the students I've taught in 16 years, all the students who take education for granted and never make the most of it and I think, what a shame.

Today I will see another side of life in India as I am going to visit/volunteer with an agency that rescues street children in Goa. I have done and seen the same in Egypt, but it's something I look forward to and something that causes me some heartache after and loss of sleep after.

It does cause think more about these kinds of people and the lives they live, it forces me to ask where and how I can be of more help, and it causes me to go home at night and give my wife and daughter and extra hug and tell them how lucky we are.

Cheers for now

Saturday, December 30, 2006


This has basically been the agenda for the holiday thus far. It's been great!!! Very relaxing. The beaches in Goa are fabulous and the Wednesday market was crazy.

I took this morning off but will swim after breakfast and am going to get Jaz to video tape me so I can do a little critique. Tomorrow I am doing about a 2 hour run, then a run new years day followed by a short triathlon Indian style (am trying to borrow a 'chicken bike' as that's all they have here).

Cheers for now

Tuesday, December 26, 2006


I arrived home from Oman a couple weeks ago (I was there with my varsity boys soccer team). We won our ISAC tournament. Things were pretty crazy for the following 10 days and then Jaz, Anaka and I flew here to India. We are here for 16 days. Jaz is doing an intensive Ashtanga workshop with Sharath, the grandson of Pattabi Jois. I am looking after Anaka and running and swimming when I can.

so far it has been great, we are in Goa which is famous for it's beaches and rightfully so as they are beautiful. I have been getting in my runs and as we are in a fairly remote part of Goa, the traffic isn't too bad. The biggest worry is the stray dogs and the Makkak monkeys throwing crap at you as you run by! No cycling for the time being, but the chance to run through the forests in India make up for that!

Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas (we spent ours on Asvam Beach!)

Cheers for now!