Monday, January 22, 2007


Last week I was completely prepared to begin the increase in my training miles. All went well with the miles, swim felt good, got through some cold weather, stood up by my training partner, flat tire, and got through it only to be blindsided by something I hadn't prepared for. My diet. It's been about 8 months since my last peak training miles period and I forgot what the increase in training time does to the diet. I was so hungry this week, I couldn't get enough to eat, and because I wasn't prepared for it I ate everything I could get my hands on...good and bad.

I had planned out my meals to be good healthy meals but didn't take in to consideration the increased calorie need, so I compensated by making a trip to the cafeteria every day, and an extra trip to the kitchen every evening. Because I was not prepared, nothing in the snack department was healthy!

This week is going to be different, I am prepared and it's all fruit, vegetables, and nuts for snacks!



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