Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Today makes one month since my return from Eilat and the Israman 1/2 Ironman. In that month I have basically done next to nothing in the way of training and it is starting to wear on me. This last month has been a well deserved and much needed break for my body, but it's time to get back to it. I have sarted to notice the scale readings going up a little, my sleep is not as sound, my moods are starting to swing a little and my ability to cope with stress at work is not what it's been. What does this mean? GET BACK TO TRAINING!

This past month has not seen me absent from my life...actually just the opposite. I have spent the last month trying to attend to other issues. Support Jasmine in her 1/2 marathon and the start of her 1/2 ironman training, spend more time at home tending to family issues, spend more time with The Little Brawn, deal with some 'housekeeping' issues, such as finding a new apartment, etc. This has all been going well, but I miss my running, swimming, and riding routine. But that all comes to an end tonight. I have my regular spinning class that I teach tonight and an 8 k run tomorrow morning followed by a swim of some sort. This weekend Jaz and I are taking my inlaws to the Red Sea for 4 days. I love to run in Dahab and will most likely run along the coast to the Blue Hole where we will spend the day snorkelling. In addition I have a pretty good idea we will climb Mt. Sinai (for the third time) this weekend and I was thinking I would pack her along to the top in her backpack. This should make for a nice re-introduction to things. In addition we get the next week off and jaz and I are planning to put some miles in on the bike.

I am excited and ready to get back to it!!


Blogger Habeela said...

No fair no fair no fair! You get the most awesome places to train! Climbing Mt. Sinai? I have to come back and reclaim that hike. I missed climbing it because a foot injury reduced me to riding a camel. Have a great weekend!

3:11 AM  
Blogger Meagan said...

I'm jealous! :) Happy training!

2:03 PM  

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