It seems that has been the extent of my time lately. I wake up in the morning, get my workout in, go to work, workout at lunch time, finish work, come home, spend some time with the family and go to bed. The next day I repeat the process.
The past few weeks has meant some big miles. Ironman Switzerland is a little over 9 weeks (67 days to be exact) and it consumes most of my free time. Some highlights from the past month:
- Two long rides in the Sinai in along the Red Sea. Both about 150 kms.
- Some open water swims in the Gulf of Aqaba.
- a 172km ride solo with a strong headwind on the way back. (had some prozac patches, but still managed to average 30km/hr and felt strong at the finish)
- a two hour run the day after the long ride.
My long bike info:
- I took in about 2400 calories. Definatley not enough right now, but all my stomach could handle on this day. 2-900cal bottles of Perpetuum, 6 bananas, 4 gels, 2 powerbars, 4l of H2O.
- Saddle time 5hrs 46 min.
- out of the saddle time (bathroom, self pep talk) 22 min.
- flats-0!
- Harrassment from drivers - 1
- Tagged by a car - 1.
All-in-all a great ride. Good to go through the prozac patches and force myself to carry on. good to know I can sit myself down and give myself a little pep talk and right the ship.
Unfortunate that young males here are so immature and can't pass a bike without taking a swing out the window.
Lucky the car that hit me only really made contact with my pedal (didn't even knock me over) and his grill was the only thing that broke!
Feeling good and because of a nasty sandstorm that blew in later this morning I am taking tomorrow off!
Cheers for now!
It seems that has been the extent of my time lately. I wake up in the morning, get my workout in, go to work, workout at lunch time, finish work, come home, spend some time with the family and go to bed. The next day I repeat the process.
The past few weeks has meant some big miles. Ironman Switzerland is a little over 9 weeks (67 days to be exact) and it consumes most of my free time. Some highlights from the past month:
- Two long rides in the Sinai in along the Red Sea. Both about 150 kms.
- Some open water swims in the Gulf of Aqaba.
- a 172km ride solo with a strong headwind on the way back. (had some prozac patches, but still managed to average 30km/hr and felt strong at the finish)
- a two hour run the day after the long ride.
My long bike info:
- I took in about 2400 calories. Definatley not enough right now, but all my stomach could handle on this day. 2-900cal bottles of Perpetuum, 6 bananas, 4 gels, 2 powerbars, 4l of H2O.
- Saddle time 5hrs 46 min.
- out of the saddle time (bathroom, self pep talk) 22 min.
- flats-0!
- Harrassment from drivers - 1
- Tagged by a car - 1.
All-in-all a great ride. Good to go through the prozac patches and force myself to carry on. good to know I can sit myself down and give myself a little pep talk and right the ship.
Unfortunate that young males here are so immature and can't pass a bike without taking a swing out the window.
Lucky the car that hit me only really made contact with my pedal (didn't even knock me over) and his grill was the only thing that broke!
Feeling good and because of a nasty sandstorm that blew in later this morning I am taking tomorrow off!
Cheers for now!